We are losing the election
Adapted from Facebook post originally written on November 4th by guest blogger who teaches middle school.
Results - Pending
General 2024 Election Results - as of 11/25/24
Time to Vote
Be Prepared
School Choice Referendum
School Choice for Nebraska? You Decide.
The debate over school choice has come to Nebraska. Nebraska’s new school choice law has established a voucher program that sets aside $10 million for private school scholarships.
One of your choices on the ballot this fall will be to repeal or to retain that voucher program.
Nebraska’s fight over school choice has a 2-year backstory. Last year, Nebraska legislators passed LB 753, allowing $50 million in tax credits for qualifying families to send their children to private schools. Governor Pillen signed it on May 23, 2023. The bill provides scholarships “with priority …
Summer VIP Celebration!
Personal story for Why VIP
To Sign or Not to Sign: Remove School Choice Funding
In the Nebraska Unicameral system, the “second house” consists of the people. If enough people agree, they can create laws and even amend the Constitution using the Initiative process. They can also change the laws made by the Legislature using the Referendum process. The whole system is described here. Initiative and Referendum Process
A Nebraska non-profit organization named Support our Schools states:
The object of this Petition is to
Repeal Section 1 of LB 1402, passed by the 108th Nebraska Legislature in 2024, which directs $10 million dollars annually for financial grants-in-aid for eligible …
To Sign or Not to Sign: Paid Sick Leave Initiative
To Sign or Not to Sign: Paid Sick Leave Initiative
One petition being circulated for this year’s ballot is the “Paid Sick Leave Initiative.” It lays out rules that, if put on the ballot and passed, would require private Nebraska employers to provide a minimum amount of sick leave.
“The object of this petition is to enact a statute to provide eligible employees the right to earn paid sick time for personal or family health needs, to entitle those employed by employers with fewer than 20 employees to accrue and use up to 40 hours of earned paid sick time …
To Sign or Not to Sign: Now Choose Life Constitutional Amendment
To Sign or not to Sign: Now Choose Life Constitutional Amendment
On May 2, a third abortion-related initiative was submitted to the Nebraska Secretary of State. VIP has already covered two abortion petitions—one that would establish a fundamental right to abortion in Nebraska, and one that would protect unborn children from abortion in the second and third trimesters, while allowing the possibility for further abortion restrictions to be passed by the Nebraska legislature in the future.
The third petition, Now Choose Life, would result in abortions being banned across Nebraska. Its object is to “amend the Nebraska Constitution to recognize …
To Sign or Not To Sign - Protect Women and Children
VIP recently became aware of an abortion petition that counters the proposed constitutional amendment “Protect the Right to Abortion” (PRA) amendment discussed in March’s blog. The new amendment is part of a campaign begun by the organization Protect Women & Children Initiative, a group of medical professionals. It is titled “Protect Women and Children” (PWC). The "Protect Women & Children Initiative” states the following:
Article One of the Nebraska Constitution shall be amended by adding a new section 31 that states as follows: “Except when a woman seeks …