Louisville Public Schools - District 32 (Vote up to 3)

Derek Ahl


Daniel Beck


Jim Group


Micah R Kohles


Sara B Quam


Job Description

How office affects the voter

Typically around 60% of property tax goes to education. By hiring the superintendent, school board members are the ones making decisions about children’s education. They decide building improvements, textbook selections, and safety measures for children.

Duties and Responsibilities

Set policy and budget for the school district. Be an advocate for the children, members should be creative and have high outcome standards, insist on variety on how curriculum is taught. Hiring, evaluating, and retention of the superintendent.

See Complete Description

Job Description

How office affects the voter

Typically around 60% of property tax goes to education. By hiring the superintendent, school board members are the ones making decisions about children’s education. They decide building improvements, textbook selections, and safety measures for children.

Duties and Responsibilities

Set policy and budget for the school district. Be an advocate for the children, members should be creative and have high outcome standards, insist on variety on how curriculum is taught. Hiring, evaluating, and retention of the superintendent.

Requirements for the position

Must be a registered voter, living in the district. Must not be employed as a teacher by the school district.

Other information

Members should visit schools in their district, be willing to listen and hear any feedback through the perspective of children not their own views. School board members should be the checks and balances on administration to ensure everything is going as stated. Members should be involved in the community. They should understand how businesses run.

Term of office

4 years



When election is held

Some school districts have wards, electing one from each ward. Many have 6 at-large positions, electing 3 every 2 years. Others have 10 or more positions. Typically ½ of the school board is voted on every 2 years.


https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/browse-chapters.php?chapter=79 https://votedouglascounty.com/office_detail.aspx?oid=165&sid=27 https://www.education.ne.gov/policy-reference-manual/

How office affects the voter

Typically around 60% of property tax goes to education. By hiring the superintendent, school board members are the ones making decisions about children’s education. They decide building improvements, textbook selections, and safety measures for children.

Duties and Responsibilities

Set policy and budget for the school district. Be an advocate for the children, members should be creative and have high outcome standards, insist on variety on how curriculum is taught. Hiring, evaluating, and retention of the superintendent.

Requirements for the position

Must be a registered voter, living in the district. Must not be employed as a teacher by the school district.

Other information

Members should visit schools in their district, be willing to listen and hear any feedback through the perspective of children not their own views. School board members should be the checks and balances on administration to ensure everything is going as stated. Members should be involved in the community. They should understand how businesses run.

Term of office

4 years



When election is held

Some school districts have wards, electing one from each ward. Many have 6 at-large positions, electing 3 every 2 years. Others have 10 or more positions. Typically ½ of the school board is voted on every 2 years.


https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/browse-chapters.php?chapter=79 https://votedouglascounty.com/office_detail.aspx?oid=165&sid=27 https://www.education.ne.gov/policy-reference-manual/