Louisville Mayor

Rod Petersen


Job Description

How office affects the voter

Research in process

Duties and Responsibilities

Varies by city - some have strong mayor system, some have weak mayor system.

See Complete Description

Job Description

How office affects the voter

Research in process

Duties and Responsibilities

Varies by city - some have strong mayor system, some have weak mayor system.

Requirements for the position

Further research in process.

Other information

Further research in process.

Term of office

4 years



When election is held

Omaha and Lincoln hold elections on odd-numbered years. Others vary.


For Omaha, see https://votedouglascounty.com/office_detail.aspx?oid=185&sid=163

How office affects the voter

Research in process

Duties and Responsibilities

Varies by city - some have strong mayor system, some have weak mayor system.

Requirements for the position

Further research in process.

Other information

Further research in process.

Term of office

4 years



When election is held

Omaha and Lincoln hold elections on odd-numbered years. Others vary.


For Omaha, see https://votedouglascounty.com/office_detail.aspx?oid=185&sid=163