2025 Millard Public Schools Bond Election

The Wording

"Shall Douglas County School District 0017 in the State of Nebraska (a/k/a Millard Public Schools) issue the Bonds of said District in the principal amount of not to exceed One Hundred Fifty Eight Million Dollars ($158,000,000) for the purpose of paying the costs of: improving the safety and security of school building facilities; renovations and repairs to school buildings and other facility maintenance to replace building components at the end of their useful life; as well as facility improvements related to special education programs, skilled trades education, and other educational programs, including constructing
capital improvements, additions, making repairs or site improvements of existing district buildings, and providing the necessary equipment and apparatus for such buildings, such bonds to be issued from time to time, to be sold at such price or prices, to bear interest at such rate or rates, to become due at such time or times and to have such other terms and provisions, all as may be fixed and determined by the Board of Education of the District; and

"Shall the District cause to be levied and collected annually a special levy of taxes against all the taxable property in the District sufficient in rate and amount to pay the interest, principal and premium on said Bonds as the same become due?"

(   )   FOR said bonds and tax

(   )   AGAINST said bonds and tax

Our Explanation

Totally by-mail election.  Ballots will be mailed but may be returned in person at election offices or at Dropboxes.  See Douglas County Election for listing of drop boxes in both Douglas and Sarpy Counties.

For many years, Millard School District has used what they call a "planful" approach.  They state, "Approval of the February 2025 bond would allow the district to begin designing and planning projects Spring/Summer 2025 with bidding Fall 2025 in order to obtain the most competitive prices for projects beginning Summer 2026."  The proposed bond is for $158 million. See details and explanations here.
According to the plan, the bond levy will not increase; it will remain at its current 11.5 cents.  
The purpose for this current bond is mostly for safety and security, ensuring each school building has a secure entry area for the 21 of 35 buildings that have not been updated yet.  The bond would also provide other security projects, such as:
- ballistic window film
- upgrades of security cameras
- upgrades to interior and exterior door security
- replacement of fire alarms
- upgrades of building intercoms
- continued internal facility security renovations
In addition to the security measures, other plans include the following: renovations and improvements on some of the older buildings, some of which are as old as 1960; and facility and campus maintenance and repair (roofs, doors, window, HVAC, flooring, etc.).
The district reports that not passing the bond would mean repairs and maintenance expenses might need to be covered by increasing the building fund levy, and it is more costly long term to replace instead of repair.
Those who support the bond note that the district has budgeted its plans to make improvements without raising the current bond levy. They may point out that the amount of Millard's levy has trended downward over the last 10 years due to its careful timing of bond requests.
Those who oppose the bond suggest the safety features are overly expensive and would prefer to see a decrease in the levy instead of adding non-educational expenses.  Some would prefer to separate bonds for repairs and maintenance from the expense of adding new improvements.